Webinar: 2024: A Year of Substantial Employment Law Change

December 3rd, 2024|Comments Off on Webinar: 2024: A Year of Substantial Employment Law Change

On 3 December 2024, WestmoreJacobs presented a webinar “2024: A Year of Substantial Employment Law Change”. Here we explored the major changes in employment law this year [...]

Article: Is Working From Home Here to Stay?

October 29th, 2024|Comments Off on Article: Is Working From Home Here to Stay?

Introduction COVID-19 resulted in many changes. Knowledge workers working from home (WFH) is probably one of the more enduring and contentious. During COVID, WFH was heralded as [...]

In-person Seminar: Managing Ill or Injured Employees

October 25th, 2024|Comments Off on In-person Seminar: Managing Ill or Injured Employees

WestmoreJacobs presented an in-person seminar on Managing Ill or Injured Employees on 23 October 2024, exploring common mistakes employers make when dismissing ill or injured employees which [...]

Cautionary Tales in Employment Law

January 29th, 2021|Comments Off on Cautionary Tales in Employment Law

  Employment law is complex and ever changing. Mistakes can easily be made, often unintentionally. Unfortunately, these [...]

2020 Employment Law Wrap-Up

December 8th, 2020|Comments Off on 2020 Employment Law Wrap-Up

2020 is sure to be remembered as the year where the only certainty was uncertainty. COVID-19 and [...]

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